Friday, March 9, 2012

What Causes TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ Dysfunction is a common, often misdiagnosed pathology and is often called "The Great Impostor" because of the many symptoms that can arise it.  TMJ Dysfunction (or TMD) is the general term for the symptoms of abnormal joint function.

Some TMJ symptoms include:

Generally speaking, there are two reasons we see TMJ dysfunction in patients - microtrauma and macrotrauma.

The first, microtrauma, is a class of TMJ symptoms caused by any type of trauma that occurs internally.  Habits such as parafunctional (outside of function, or abnormal) clenching of the teeth is a common cause.  Signs and symptoms include worn down teeth, sore facial muscles, and a scalloped tongue - grooves in the tongue surface where the tongue rests during clenching activity.

Another microtrauma is teeth grinding, or bruxism.  The constant wear and tear of forces on the facial muscles and teeth cause stress on the joint, which can lead to further TMJ dysfunction.  If you experience bruxism or clenching, a night guard may provide some relief.

Other trauma causing TMJ Dysfunction could be osteoarthritis of the joint or rheumatoid arthritis.

Macrotraumas are TMJ symptoms that include anything external, such as a blow to the face from physical activity or auto accidents for example.  If you have an excessive traumatic force that would allow the joint to be dislocated, this could stretch the posterior ligaments of the TMJ and permanently damage the joint.

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